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Best Self Tanning Mousse
Sunless Tanning Mousse
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Best Self Tanning Mousse
Sunless Tanning Mousse
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best tanning mousse
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sunless tanning mousse

Solrae Self Tanning Mousse


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Solrae's Sunless Tanning Mousse

  • Dreading the fall and winter months?
  • Looking for a beautiful, safe, and healthy glow?
  • Wondering how to get a great sunless tan overnight and at home? 

Look no further!

Best Self Tanning Foam for all Skin Types

One of Solrae's best sunless tanners for face and body, this easy to apply tanning mousse is specially formulated with naturally derived ingredients that will give your skin a flawless tan. This best self tanning foam is light and easily applied. All of Solrae's no streak sunless tanners are safe for all skin tones and types. 

But don't just take our word for it - scroll down and read Solrae's sunless tanning product reviews from all our happy customers! 

  • Paraben-free and Erythrulose free

  • Solrae's self tanning mitt is included. To buy additional self tanning gloves click here.

Solrae's Self Tanning Mousse for all Skin Types

Solrae's Best Self Tanning Mousse (7 oz) is great for anyone looking for an at-home self tanner. It contains 10% DHA for a medium, buildable color. Natural bronzers are added to provide a washable color guide for even application and immediate tan skin.

You may also be interested in Solrae's airbrush self tanner.

Direction to use Best Self Tanning Mousse

For best results apply to clean, exfoliated skin.

Pump a liberal amount of mousse onto Solrae's best tanning mitt and apply in long circular motions to your face and body.

Use any excess product to lightly blend over the hands and feet.

Wait until dry before getting dressed. Allow 4-8 hours before showering.


Hand wash your sunless tanning mitt thoroughly in warm water to remove excess tanning foam. Gently wring out any water and reshape it while it's still damp. For a 360-degree dry, place the self tanning glove on top of Solrae's best tanning mousse. Your sunless tanning mitt must be completely dry before the next use.

If you tan frequently, the self-tanning glove may need to be replaced once every few months. If you tan less frequently, you may get over six months of use from the same self-tanning glove. 

Self-Tanning Mousse Ingredients

Water, Dihydroxyacetone, Ethoxydiglycol, Glycerin, Caramel, Cocamindioprpyl, Betaine, Propylene Glycol, Sodium Lauroamphoacetate, Capryly/Capyrl Glucoside, Phenoxyethanol, Ethylhexyglycerin, Argania Spinsosa (Argan) Oil, PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Tocopherol Acetate (Vitamin E), Sodium Citrate, Sodium Metabisulfite, Fragrance, Cetyl Hydroxyethylcellulose, D&C Green 5, D&C Red 33, FD&C Red 40, FD&C Yellow 6, FD&C Yellow 5, FD&C Blue


1) How Long Does It Take for Tanning Mousse to Develop?

Ans: Generally, it takes about 6-8 hours for tanning mousse to fully develop. We suggest staying dry for the entire 6-8 hours, so the tanner has time to turn your skin to the most beautiful, natural shade. If you happen to get wet before the time is up, you may still notice some color but it will not be the deepest shade possible.

2) How Long Does Mousse Tan Take to Dry?

Ans: Solrae’s Sunless Tanning Mousse takes about 15 minutes to dry. After you feel dry you may put clothes on. We still caution you to wear darker clothes until your first shower or rinse off. This ensures there is no transfer of the solution to any light-colored clothing. However, in the event the solution does transfer to your clothes or bedding, it should wash out.

3) Should You Shower After Using Tanning Mousse?

Ans: After you've applied your self-tanner, let the color develop for 6 to 8 hours. This means you must stay completely dry during this time. Avoid showering and other activities that may make you sweat. Following these instructions ensures you will not streak or have uneven color.

4) How to Apply Tanning Mousse Without Mitt?

Ans: We recommend using a tanning mitt when applying your sunless tanning mousse, however, there are other options! If you are not using a tanning mitt, you can use rubber gloves. Sounds silly, right? It is your next best option. Just be careful when taking the gloves off so the solution does not get on your palms.

5) Why I Should Choose Solrae?

Ans: Solrae’s entire sunless tanning line is better for you, quick and easy to apply. Protect your skin with naturally derived, organic, vegan, chemical-free ingredients. Our high-quality tanning products give you the same look as if you spent hours in the sun. Solrae will help you achieve the perfect color for your skin tone.

Customer Reviews

Based on 94 reviews
Ashley Renko

Solrae Self Tanning Mousse

Catherine Pugliano
No orange color! Seriously impressed!

I absolutely love the color I get from this product! I have the face mist and the mousse/mit. It’s a natural glow and dries fast with no nasty smell plus washes off clothes and doesn’t stain. I highly recommend this sunless tanning product. It lasts for days!

Landru Yankle
The Best!

I absolutely love the natural looking tan Solrae gives me, I’ve been using it for years now! The application is easy and streak free with the mitt every time.

Kim Urban
Love it!

This was my first time using sunless tanner. The mitt makes it virtually foolproof. Because I am SO pale, I actually only needed one application. I shower in the evening, so I applied this in the morning and let it stay on all day. After my shower that night, it was the perfect beachy glow. The color was great! It looked like I came home from the beach! Very natural! I'm hooked!

Dedria Bryan

Absolutely love this product! The color is a beautiful brown.. not orange, no streaking, and you can see exactly how it is applying with a slight color change helping to achieve a nice even look.