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Gradual Tanning Lotion
Solrae's Organic Tanning Lotion
Sunless Gradual Tanning Lotion
Gradual Tanning Lotion
Solrae's Organic Tanning Lotion
Sunless Gradual Tanning Lotion

Solrae Sunless Gradual Tanning Lotion


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Solrae Sunless Gradual Tanning Lotion

  • Dreading the cold months and the lack of sun?
  • Looking for a beautiful, safe, and healthy glow? 
  • Wondering how to get a best sunless tanner overnight and at home? 

Look no further!

An easy to apply organic tanning lotion, Solrae's streak-free indoor tanning lotion is specially formulated to give your skin a beautiful healthy tan. All of Solrae's no streak sunless tanners are safe for all skin tones and types. 

An overnight self-tanner, Solrae's gradual tanning lotion will give your skin the hydration, nutrition, and gradual color (6% DHA) it needs to achieve a natural tan - perfect for very fair skin.

Our Sunless Organic Tanning Lotions are:

  • Made from only naturally derived ingredients

  • Paraben-free and Erythrulose free

  • Best full body self-tanner also safe for your face

  • Pineapple scented

  • 8 oz.

What Raving Fans Are Saying

Solrae's best gradual tanning lotion is such a wonderful product. The natural tanning lotion dries almost instantly feeling like actual lotion, and even though it's a gradual self tanning lotion, you'll see a beautiful, natural glow overnight. I ordered 4 more already. I also own Solrae's self tanning mousse and can’t wait to try it! Will be a customer for life!

Scroll Down to Read More of Solrae's 5 star Organic Tanning Lotion Reviews.

Solrae Gradual Tanning Lotion Ingredients

  • Caffeine Extract– dehydrates fat cells making skin appear smoother and more firm
  • Kukui Nut Oil– contains essential fatty acids that help the body retain water and cleanse the skin. Helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite
  • Niacinamide– skin-restoring ingredient that offers multiple anti-aging benefits such as improving the appearance of large pores, uneven skin tone, fine lines, and dullness
  • Dihydroxyacetone – Known as DHA, is derived from sugar beet and sugar cane. DHA reacts with the amino acids in dead skin cells to produce pigment we know as a spray tan.

Water, Aloe Vera, Gel Behenyl Trimonium Methosulfate, Dimethicone, Glycerine, Cyclomethicone Sodium PCA,Polysorbate 60, Cetearyl Alcohol, Kukui Nut Oil, Jojoba Oil, Isopropyl Palmitate, Cucumber Extract Rooibus Tea Extract, Green Leaf Extract, Citric Acid, Dinhydroxyacetone, Collagen, Glycosamine, Hydrocreatine, Copper Gluconate, PyridoxinHCL, Niacinamide, Tocopheral Acetate, Sunflower Extract, Grape Extract, Feenel Seed Extract, White Birch, Red Algae, Adenosine Triphosphate, Proflavin HCL, Superoxide Dismutase, Caffeine Extract, Yeast Extract, Dextran, Actyl Hexapeptide, Ectoin, Phenoxyethanol Hexylene Glycol, Ethylhexyl Glycerine

Direction to Apply Organic Tanning Lotion

Apply to clean skin post-shower with hands or washable tanning mitt, and rub evenly and in circular motions where color is wanted. Wash hands immediately after use.


1) Is Self-Tanning Lotion Safe?

Ans: Solrae’s sunless tanning lotion is safe for all skin tones. We offer high-quality tanning products which are vegan, gluten-free, naturally derived, and organic. Our chemical-free ingredients are the best sunless tanning option on the market.

2) How Long do You Leave Gradual Tan On?

Ans: Solrae’s Gradual Tanning Lotion wears like regular lotion and is super moisturizing. You should keep it on your skin for at least 8 hours so it has time to fully develop.  

3) Can You Put Gradual Tan Moisturiser on Your Face?

Ans: Yes, you can put our Gradual Tanning Lotion on your face. All of our sunless tanning products are safe for use on your entire body, including the face.

However, we always suggest using our tanners that were formulated specifically for use on your face, which can be more prone to clogged pores and breakouts.

Customer Reviews

Based on 28 reviews
Tanning lotion

I love This lotion. Smell is subtle, good color

Lauren C.
Great even for fair skin!

I have very fair skin and this is perfect. I mix it with regular lotion when I apply it so I get even more of a gradual tan and am able to control the shade. It smells great and has the best natural looking color of any tanning lotion I've tried!


The smell is a little eh but I love how tan it makes you

Valerie B
Great tanning lotion

I’ve been using this religiously all summer and I’ve gotten so many compliments on how natural my tan looks. Even after just 1 application I’m bronzed and I use it a few times a week to maintain the color. It’s easy to apply, not streaky, lasts a decent amount of time and has a nice subtle tropical smell. Just be sure to wash your hands after application or you might get some dark areas in the webs of your hands. I use this on my body and use their facial spray and the colors match up perfectly. Won’t use any other brand now. I highly recommend!

Kristina curci
Love it

The best self tanning lotion! Great color and easy to apply with the tanning mitt .